Master Class

Many of the members of the orchestra are requested teachers of modern music and jazz, and can carry out master classes for string players interested in learning the styles of swing and jazz. Raúl Márquez teaches modern violin and flamenco violin at the University Alfonso X El Sabio, Suso Moreno is Director of the Musica Maestro Foundation and numerous orchestras and educational programs, Aldo Aguirre is selftaught on the sound of gypsy jazz and be-bop in string instruments,
Ernesto Galván has been a violin teacher in the ESMUC (Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña) and the Escuela de Música Creativa de Madrid. Also, Aldara Velasco is a founding member of the program Da la nota (Play it right), a musical exchange program among Spanish speaking countries. The Swing Machine Orchestra is always open to new challenges and to the collaboration with new artists.